Thursday, 2 April 2015

Inspirational image with quote

 I added a stroke out line around the fancy cursive looking writing.

Veggie face

Book cover

This is my version of the book cover. Some of the tools I used to recreate this book page were, the quick selection tool, which cut out the hands and the butterfly from the image they were in previous to the title page. I also used the square marquee tool to create a black box at the bottom then pulled upwards using the gradient tool to create the effect of it fading. I changed the hands to black and white, then  made a separate layer over top and changed the opacity to get the blue color. The weird looking ink spot was created by using the brush tool on a spongy looking brush setting. The last thing I did was add the text with the glow effect around it. I did this by clicking on the layer I wanted to add glow to, then go to the layer tab, down to layer style, style settings, select glow, outer glow and the I changed the size I wanted.

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Monday, 23 February 2015

This is my product comparing eye liner to a black cat.

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Another example of blending using the paint brush tool.
I created this blend using the gradient tool.

This my thug life cat, I created it by using the paint brush tool to blend the layers.

Friday, 13 February 2015

file organization

This would be aimed towards adults who are looking to travel. It could be placed in a brochure or some other information package.

Thursday, 12 February 2015

We add borders because it puts emphasis on what you want attention drawn too. For example, with my ragged edges picture, it puts focus on the kitten.

Thursday, 5 February 2015

What is communications tech

Communications tech is displaying an idea to an audience using technology.